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Quality Policy Template for ISO 9001:2015
The Quality Policy is a mandatory requirement of ISO 9001:2015. This Quality Policy Template can be adapted to meet the requirements of clause 5.2 of ISO 9001:2015.
A Quality Policy is a fundamental requirement in ISO 9001 as it sets the foundation for an organisation’s commitment to quality management. It outlines the organisation’s intentions and direction with respect to quality, ensuring that quality objectives are aligned with the company’s strategic goals. The policy serves as a framework for developing specific quality targets, promoting a culture of continuous improvement, and demonstrating compliance with customer and regulatory requirements. By defining clear quality standards and expectations, the policy helps guide decision-making and ensures that all employees are working towards common goals, contributing to the overall effectiveness of the quality management system.
Communicating the Quality Policy
Communicating a company’s Quality Policy to Interested Parties such as employees, suppliers, and customers requires a clear and consistent approach.
For employees, the policy can be shared through internal communications, training sessions, and visible displays in the workplace.
Suppliers should be informed through contractual agreements, supplier meetings, or dedicated communications, emphasising the company’s commitment to quality and expectations for their involvement.
Customers can be made aware of the policy through marketing materials, the company website, or direct interactions, demonstrating the organisation’s dedication to meeting their quality expectations.
Transparent communication with all parties fosters trust and alignment with the company’s quality objectives. Some organisation display this in reception areas or on their website, while others make it available on request.
Quality Policy Templates
Our Quality Policy Template is designed to help businesses establish a clear and effective commitment to quality standards. Easy to customise and compliant with ISO 9001 requirements, this template ensures your organisation has a solid foundation for delivering consistent quality. With clearly defined goals and a commitment to continuous improvement, this template supports your efforts in meeting both customer expectations and regulatory demands, enhancing your credibility and driving business success.